Our online service allows families the ability to make complete arrangements for the direct cremation of their loved one from the comfort of their own home and without the need to come to the funeral home. Note that the only additional cost for this service is the cost of the required Medical Examiner Cremation Authorization Fee for the county in which death has taken place. This fee varies by county and is capped at $50 by Florida statutes.
Additional Urns with varying prices: https://bogatiurns.com/collections/urns-for-people
General Price List: https://www.allvetsallfamiliesfh.com/general-price…
All Veterans - All Families Cremations, LLC.
693 Old Englewood Rd., Ste B
Englewood, FL 34223
P: 941-460-6324
E-Mail: cathy@allvetscremations.com
Monday-Friday: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Weekends by Appointment